Wednesday, October 15, 2014

not much has changed in my book from the last time i did an entry about my book. Pretty much all that happened was that marcus was released along with all of his friends but his best friend who they cant find.

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

150 word challenge number 2

I dont love much in this world but thats mostly because now in time everything is communist but i can say that my family is not communist and i guess thats what i will be writing about. The reason i love my family is because my family loves me and we all get along and hardly ever fight and thats because we can all agree on things but every once in a while there is a disagreement. Another reason that i love my family is because they are supportive and positive about what i want to do unless its something crazy like dropping out or something.114Another reason is because my family is helpful and will help me with what ever i need help with and thats why i love my family over everything else
this is the first time i have ever blogged anything ever. Im not quite sure how i feel about it because i never really thought about it i always thought that blogging was to express your opinion about books and what you think about them and the reason i haven't really blogged before is because i don't really read books in my free time. The reason i don't read in my free time is because i am a picky reader. Usually what will happen is i will find a book read the first fifty pages and just lose interest in the book. There are some books that i don't get tired of and read the whole book but its a rare occasion.122 So the reason i am writing this is because we have to write in our blogs and it has to be less then one hundred fifty words.

Monday, October 6, 2014

I am still reading Little Brother by Cory Doctorow. I'm pretty much at the same spot as a was the last time i gave an update on my book. Marcus and his friends are still being held by the government officials and are still trying to figure out what to do next to prove they are innocent.